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At Habitat Bucks County, we believe everyone deserves a decent place to live. In Bucks County, 1 in 4 households spend more than half of their income on housing.

That is unsustainable. We’re retiring the term “affordable housing” because it it has been utilized as a euphemism for low-income, subsidized projects or large mobile home parks.  What we need and what we build is attainable workforce housing.

Many police officers, schoolteachers, shopkeepers, public works employees and other private sector employees cannot afford to live in the communities where they work. When the cost of home is a family’s future, it’s a price we can’t afford to pay. That’s why we’re committed to mobilizing our partners, volunteers, and community members to find solutions and help create policies that will increase access to affordable housing for Bucks County families.

We’re asking you to join us. Sign up for our advocacy email news.

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Current Actions

State Advocacy

Contact your representatives and let them know you support permanent funding for the Whole Home Repairs program. Find your representatives here.

Fund the Whole Home Repairs Program permanently!

Homeowners living on lower incomes need help with the cost of repairs that address safety, health and home access.

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Evidence Brief

1. Who has access to homeownership?

This evidence brief will:

  • Summarize research on trends in homeownership and barriers to achieving it.
  • Provide an overview of the racial gap in homeownership, including key drivers.
  • Share how Habitat for Humanity increases access to homeownership.

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Evidence Brief

2. What are the benefits of homeownership?

Improving affordable homeownership leads to numerous outcomes that extend beyond the house, such as greater economic stability, access to quality education, increased civic and social engagement, better health, and a reduced environmental footprint. This evidence brief provides an overview of how families can prosper with greater access to decent, affordable housing.

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Evidence Brief

3. How does homeownership contribute to wealth building?

This evidence brief:

  • Summarizes research on the key factors to wealth building through homeownership for low-income households, households headed by single women and Black and Hispanic/Latinx households.
  • Shares how Habitat for Humanity contributes to these factors to encourage wealth building.

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Evidence Brief

4. How do racial inequities limit homeownership opportunities?

This evidence brief:

  • Reviews the history of racial inequities in housing.
  • Highlights the key barriers that Black and Hispanic/Latino households confront in accessing affordable homeownership and attaining the positive outcomes of homeownership.
  • Shares how Habitat for Humanity responds to these barriers to promote homeownership.

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Evidence Brief

5. How does housing impact health?

This evidence brief:

  • Summarizes research on key factors to improving health through housing in populations with low incomes.
  • Highlights the key barriers that Black and Hispanic/Latino populations confront in improving health.
  • Illustrates how the work of Habitat for Humanity contributes to positive health outcomes.

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Evidence Brief

6. How does housing affect children’s education?

This evidence brief:

  • Summarizes research on critical factors for improving children’s educational outcomes by helping populations with low incomes obtain decent, affordable and stable housing.
  • Highlights the key barriers that Black and Hispanic/Latino populations face in improving children’s educational outcomes.
  • Demonstrates how Habitat for Humanity contributes to strengthening children’s educational outcomes.

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